Benefits of Using Decorative Light Covers in a Hospital Setting
22nd Dec 2016
Besides the fact that they’re filled with friendly doctors who genuinely care for and about their patients, hospitals aren’t the most pleasant of environments to be in. This is mainly due to the fact that if you’re visiting the hospital, you’re (probably) not in good health. And no one wants to be sick or hurt.
However, beyond that fact, there’s a few other reasons why a patient could feel uncomfortable in a hospital setting: the insanely bright lighting, plain white walls and basic flooring with little, to no, natural light; this is what has been expected when it comes to your typical hospital decorations, and while it’s totally functional, it doesn’t provide the most calming and relaxing atmosphere to make a patient feel as comfortable as possible. Is there a way to achieve a better hospital environment, without adding too much that could get in the way of your health care duties? The answer is yes.
While you can always start improving your hospital’s visual appeal with decor, a fresh coat of paint and new flooring, there’s also more affordable options that could give you instant results as far as upgrading the entire look and feel of the hospital itself. One of these options is fluorescent light covers.
What Are Decorative Light Covers?
Most, if not all, hospitals have fluorescent lighting throughout the entire building. This includes every floor and wing, as well as the waiting and hospital rooms. Why? It’s simple, fluorescent bulbs emit stronger light than any other form of lighting, which is extremely important for doctors, as they need to be able to see everything wrong (or not wrong) with their patients while examining them.
While fluorescent lighting is obviously very functional in a hospital setting, it’s not the greatest to look at in a patient's perspective. This is why decorative light covers are the greatest solution, as they can create a calmer and more relaxing environment while not sacrificing the functionality of your existing fluorescent lighting.
For those who have never heard of decorative light covers before, the simplest way to understand these innovations in lighting is to break them down. Consisting of a light diffusing panel, decorative light covers display a wide array of images that, when installed over existing fluorescent light fixtures, creates an incredible effect on the eye.
Mainly used in homes and office settings, decorative light covers can transform any room into a work of art and create an instant upgrade in visual appeal at little cost to you. Here’s a few examples of where decorative light covers work best when it comes to a hospital setting.
Decorative Light Covers For An Emergency Room
For an emergency room, attentiveness is key as the patients here are in need of immediate care, whether from a sudden injury or serious illness.
Though, some emergency rooms (such as in hospitals in major US cities) receive a massive amount of patients each day, which means some patients will still have to wait to be examined by a doctor. To improve the experience for your patients you should have an ER waiting room that is comfortable and inviting, which can successfully be achieved with the right decorative light covers.
For example: by installing cloud themed light covers on your ER waiting room’s ceiling, you can create the look and feel of real sky lights, which will create a visually intriguing space for those patiently waiting to be cared for by a physician.
Decorative Light Covers For a Maternity Ward
As opposed to the ER, the maternity ward is a more enjoyable place to be in, mainly because the patients here are all expectant mothers -- and their family’s -- waiting to welcome a lovable baby into their lives.
A typical child birth will take hours, if not days, to run its course, which means your patient and their family members will be forced to spend a long period of time in the maternity ward This is why you should focus on providing the most comfortable spaces (including the maternity rooms and waiting rooms) for your guests to feel more at home.
You can start with fluorescent light covers that are themed to nature, as images of trees and the outdoors are known factors when it comes to calming and relaxing one’s mind. You can even install multiple decorative nature light covers on your walls to create faux windows with a view to a gorgeous outdoor setting.
Decorative Light Covers For a Pediatric Ward
While not every hospital has a pediatric ward, for the one’s that do, it’s one of the most important areas of the hospital. This is because caring for sick children is a tough job that requires some of the most patient, knowledgeable and kind-hearted doctors imaginable.
Beyond giving your young patients the best care possible, making them feel comfortable and safe should be one of your top priorities. This can be achieved with specific decorative light covers that invoke fun and eye catching images and transform a room to showcase a child’s sense of imagination.
For instance, by utilizing ocean light covers, which depict vibrant fish and other aquatic life, such as sharks and dolphins, on the walls of your pediatric hospital rooms, you can create the illusion that the room itself is really a submarine with a clear view into an underwater escape filled with surrounding sea life.
Decorative Light Covers For Surgery Waiting Rooms
Much like the maternity ward, the surgical ward calls for the families of the patient to spend countless hours in waiting. This can be a grueling process for the patient’s loved ones, who will be worried about the patient for the entirety of their surgical procedure.
To remedy this, somewhat, you should try and create the most comforting environment possible for them while they wait. This can be accomplished with decorative light covers that depict images of the beach and tropical plant life, turning a dull waiting room into a comfortable, resort-like, environment that will have guests feeling tremendously more relaxed while they patiently wait for their loved one to get out of surgery.
We hope you’re enjoying our blog! Check out our wide selection of easy-to-install decorative light covers or create your own to transform any room in your home, business or office into a work of art. With the holiday season on its way, we provide some of the most unique gift-giving ideas you’ll find this year!