Custom Ceiling Light Panels for Shops and Stores
22nd Nov 2019
Custom ceiling light panels offer an ideal space lighting option for shops and stores. The vast majority of stores use fluorescent tube lighting, although some are switching to LED lights. Both systems are harsh on the eyes and require diffuser panels of frosted glass or plastic to provide light that is more even and more acceptable to the average shopper's eyes.
While custom ceiling light panels are excellent for improving light, they are very easy to use in a secondary role, too. Custom ceiling light panels are great for advertising or providing shoppers with information on the store and its products. Decorative ceiling light panels have been used for several years now, both to reduce the harsh glare of fluorescent and LED lighting and to introduce a unique form of decor.
Sky-and-Cloud Panels and Flowers
The beautiful images on our decorative light panels are achieved by printing designs directly onto transparent light panel covers. The designs are backlit when the lights are switched on, and present some beautiful effects on the ceiling. Sky-and-cloud panels, for example, display scenes of blue skies and white clouds. Other designs might display sunsets, ocean scenes, flowers, or even photographs of animals.
It doesn't take much imagination to take this a step further and use custom ceiling light panels for advertising and promotional purposes. One good way to use custom covers is to print your own logo and business name on the light covers. However, in a shop or store, you could also use your light covers as advertising. Consider custom ceiling light panels printed with your latest offers, your best selling products, or even with next month’s upcoming sales. At $29.99 per panel, this is not an expensive advertising medium!
Custom Ceiling Light Panels for Advertising and Promotion
An enterprising store might even offer advertising space to its suppliers—at a price, of course!
Most shops and stores never use their ceilings for anything but lighting. And the lighting they do have is rough on the eyes and can make it harder to see. Decorative ceiling light panels enable you to take away the glare while also advertising your store and its products. You might even make some money by offering advertising space on your ceiling!
How do you do it? Simply upload a digital file with your photograph in the format specified on our 'Custom design' page, and we do the rest.
If you want a new way to light your store or your shop, or would like to use your ceiling lighting for advertising your business or products, then you can do that with custom ceiling light panels. It is inexpensive, effective, and projects an image of your business as forward-thinking and entrepreneurial. In addition to custom designs, check out our many decorative light panel designs and decide what's right for you! Order decorative ceiling panels online today!