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What most small or poorly run businesses lack is a thorough and cohesive sense of branding. But, what is branding? Branding is your business' identity and should be reflected in everything from the design of your website and logo to the attitude of your team members.Unfortunately, most businesses fail to push their brand to it's furthest potential, and (as a result) begin to lose customers and their identity in the process. However, it doesn't ne… Read more
Many people go into homeownership with the intention of staying in their home for the rest of their lives. With that said, this intention oftentimes proves to be misguided, as many homeowners purchase their properties in their early years and don't factor in the inevitable changes that will occur that will lead to the expansion of their lives.Whether it be due to a growing family or a new job that is much too far of a drive from your current home… Read more
No matter the time of year, if a holiday is nearing closer, people are generally in greater spirits in anticipation of their holiday celebration. With Halloween closing in shortly and Thanksgiving and Christmas not too far behind, it's getting to be the time of year where everyone is focusing on enjoying time with their family and friends while participating in the festivities of each upcoming holiday.With holiday celebrations, however, comes the… Read more
When it comes to decorative fluorescent light covers, you have a wide range of options to choose from in terms of where and how you choose to use these innovations in decorative lighting.With that said, with such a variety of areas to choose from, you may find it a bit challenging to figure out where, exactly, to install your light covers for the optimum effect. After all, decorative light covers are not simply for making a room look great and wo… Read more