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The fall season has officially arrived, and with it comes some exciting festivities. For those who love fall (and there are plenty), other seasons simply can't compare. The changing of the leaves, the arrival of cooler weather, the incredible fashion, and pumpkin-flavored treats are just a few of the benefits of the changing season. And don't forget the celebrations! Fall festivals and haunted houses are just a couple of great ways to celebrate f… Read more
Decorative light covers have many functions. For one thing, they are a great way to upgrade your ceiling decor. A few well-placed sky-and-cloud light covers can open up a room and give the illusion of skylights. Decorative light covers also play an important role in modulating harsh light from fluorescent and LED fixtures. But they also have another use. Decorative light covers can keep your children happy and relaxed at night.Happy Children at B… Read more
If you look up information about sleeping, you will often come across the startling fact that we spend one-third of our lives sleeping. In a 75-year lifetime, that's 25 hours snoozing. But that's only if you are getting 8 hours of sleep every night. The reality is that most Americans don't get enough sleep. As a nation, we average about 6.8 hours a night. So if you find yourself lying in bed staring at the ceiling, it might help to have something… Read more
A great deal of research has been carried out on the effects of fluorescent lighting on schoolchildren. There is also a body of research on the impact of fluorescent light on children's behavior in general. Most of this has been directed at establishing whether or not fluorescent lighting in schools causes hyperactivity, and whether it can also affect autistic children.Most schools and hospitals use fluorescent lighting, mainly because of the pri… Read more