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Transformative Fluorescent LightsOcto Lights is a trusted name in transformative fluorescent light covers for home or business. The company has a proven reputation when it comes to changing or converting stunning images into beautifully attractive lighting fixtures for ceilings. They look great, last a long time and can even add substantial value to a home or business. From house renovations to purchasing a new home, sky panels offer uniqueness a… Read more
Consumers have more choices today than ever before when it comes to the different types of lighting that can be used for virtually any type of indoor space. While the choices are many, one type of lighting in particular has several advantages that are worth considering: fluorescent lighting. Fluorescent lighting is a unique type of electrical lighting that uses neon gas and mercury to cause a chemical reaction resulting in light being produced. T… Read more
The sun is the source of all life on this blue planet we call home. Radiation from the sun, also known as sunlight, is actually a mix of electromagnetic waves that include infrared rays (IR) as well as ultraviolet rays (UV). The adverse health effects of UV rays are well documented. They are known to cause premature aging of the skin and have been linked to the development of melanoma, one of the deadliest types of skin cancer. Chronic UV exposur… Read more