How to Block Fluorescent Lights at Work
3rd Nov 2021
I bet you wish you could block those fluorescent light at work don't you? Fluorescent lights can give people headaches and migraines, make it difficult to focus and concentrate, and make people sensitive to light. Fortunately, there are a few things you can do about this problem! You can block fluorescent lights with Octo Lights Covers, maximize natural lighting by changing out bulbs for softer-colored bulbs or turning off overhead lights in favor of alternative light sources like lamps, wall lights or desk lamps. And one thing that is absolutely not recommended is wearing sunglasses while at work.
Block Fluorescent Lights At Work With Light Covers
Maximize Natural Lighting at Work
Use Softer Fluorescent Light Bulbs
Try Light Sensitivity Glasses To Block Fluorescent Lights
Block Fluorescent Lights at Work With Fluorescent Light Covers
Being exposed to fluorescent light for long periods can cause a headache or migraine. It can also cause light sensitivity. This can be made worse if you are using a computer or screen at work with fluorescent lighting. The brightness of the fluorescent lights make it difficult to see the screen or monitor. Causing you to squint or strain your eyes to see. Luckily, fluorescent light covers diffuse the harsh UV and blue light, making it easier to focus on work tasks.
According to a study by the National Institute of Health, long term exposure to fluorescent lights can increase your risk of eye disease. It is recommended that you try blocking the light with Fluorescent Light Covers, such as Octo Lights . This will make it easier for you to focus and concentrate on work tasks.
Maximize Natural Lighting at Work
Fluorescent lights at work are harsh on the eyes and make it difficult to focus. By maximizing natural lighting you can improve your working conditions, reduce eye strain, have better focus, and even prevent migraines.
Make windows a priority when improving office spaces using sustainable design principles . Give yourself as much exposure to sunlight as possible by making sure windows aren't covered up with blinds or shades . The more light you get from outside sources , the less fluorescent bulbs will be needed inside! Fluorescent light headaches happen because of flicker rates that cause people to see things in double vision which causes stress on the brainstem reticular activating system (RAS). This type of stress is what triggers migraine headache pain. Avoiding this kind of stress will improve your work environment and reduce the frequency of fluorescent light headaches.
Use Softer Fluorescent Light Bulbs
One way to reduce the harshness of fluorescent light is to use softer wattage bulbs. Fluorescent lights are traditionally very bright and harsh. This can cause serious eye disease over long term exposure. Switching to dimmer and softer wattage bulbs can be very helpful in preventing this from happening .
A good way to do this is to use dimmer fluorescent bulbs. The wattage can still be kept at a safe level, but the light itself becomes softer and easier on your eyes . This means you should avoid using flicker less or quick-start sockets that are often found in offices too. Flickering may cause eye strain over long term exposure as well . If your office does not allow these types of lights for safety reasons, look into buying LED lamps instead which provide even lighting without harsh flickers.
Try Light Sensitivity Glasses to Block Fluorescent Lights
Light sensitivity glasses are great at blocking fluorescent lights. They are the perfect solution because they do not obstruct your vision or make it harder to see what you're working on. Light sensitivity glasses look and feel just like normal glasses, but filter out harmful UV and blue light emitted by fluorescent light in the workplace.
Fluorescent light headaches can be caused by exposure of blue wavelengths - Try these special glasses that block 100% of all harmful ultraviolet (UV) rays as well as 99% of the potentially migraine inducing "blue" spectrum!
These protective lenses reduce stress associated with prolonged viewing of digital screens; works great for computer users, gamers, pilots & more!
Don’t Wear Sunglasses
We've talked a lot about how to block fluorescent lights at work. But we need to talk about one thing you absolutely should not do. Do not wear sunglasses! Sunglasses do not protect you from the harmful light spectrum emitted by fluorescent office lights. Instead, they make you less sensitive to the brightness of the light but they don't block the correct wavelengths. This can actually result in more eye strain and headaches.
Fluorescent lights can give people headaches and migraines, make it difficult to focus and concentrate, and make people sensitive to light. Fortunately, there are a few things you can do about this problem! You can block fluorescent lights with Octo Lights Covers, maximize natural lighting by changing out bulbs for softer-colored bulbs or turning off overhead lights in favor of alternative light sources like lamps, wall lights or desk lamps. And one thing that is absolutely essential is getting enough sleep – which means going into bed at the same time every night. If all of these solutions seem daunting for your workplace environment then let us know - we’re here to help! Shop today for fluorescent light covers from Octo Lights online store now.