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I bet you wish you could block those fluorescent light at work don't you? Fluorescent lights can give people headaches and migraines, make it difficult to focus and concentrate, and make people sensitive to light. Fortunately, there are a few things you can do about this problem! You can block fluorescent lights with Octo Lights Covers, maximize natural lighting by changing out bulbs for softer-colored bulbs or turning off overhead lights in favo… Read more
When it comes to your office space -- whether at work or in your home -- there are a wide range of options out there to personalize and make it your own.With that said, most options you'll find for decor and furniture come with a hefty price tag, and at the end of the day, these pieces may never truly capture your personal style and tastes. After all, an office space should be all your own and should reflect who you are in order to encourage the… Read more
Whether you’re thinking of creating an office in one of the rooms inside your home, or have an office space elsewhere, ensuring productivity is key when it comes to whether or not an office can be utilized to its fullest potential.Sadly, the offices of today are drab and boring, with uninspired decor, wall colors, and harsh fluorescent lighting, it’s a wonder how anyone working in such an environment gets any work accomplished. The effect fl… Read more
For today’s modern businesses, there are a plethora of different ways to effectively improve office productivity. From providing your employees with access to ergonomic furniture to showcasing an overall more spacious environment, enhancing your office can not only improve employee morale but improve your company’s bottom line performance as well.With that being said, one particular aspect of improving an office’s productivity, and one that might… Read more