

Seeing LED Lighting in a New Light

Seeing LED Lighting in a New Light

30th Nov 2015

The days of $40 LED light bulbs are a thing of the past; and with the price of high efficiency lighting finally within the grasp of everyday consumers, major leaders around the world are also beginnin…
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LED: The Rising Star of Automotive Lighting

LED: The Rising Star of Automotive Lighting

23rd Nov 2015

Anyone who has driven a vehicle at night over the last decade will confirm that there have been some noticeable changes to the technology our cars and trucks use to light the road in front of them. Au…
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Why LED Lighting Has Become So Popular

Why LED Lighting Has Become So Popular

16th Nov 2015

LED lighting has finally arrived! The technology is hot, and the price is not! At least not any more. To understand the surge in popularity for LED lighting you must understand its use, and what benef…
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The Resurgence of Vintage Industrial Lighting

The Resurgence of Vintage Industrial Lighting

26th Oct 2015

The sale of previously owned homes in the U.S. rose sharply this year to the highest point since 2007! Although the rules are somewhat changed as a result of the devastating housing crash, new home-bu…
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Save Energy on Lighting

Save Energy on Lighting

19th Oct 2015

As increases in environmental consciousness continue to spur the search for clean, renewable energy sources, we are all being called upon to do our part in lessening our individual impact on our plane…
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The History of Fluorescent Lighting

The History of Fluorescent Lighting

9th Oct 2015

In 1879, Thomas Edison filed for a patent for the first commercially successful incandescent light bulb. This was not, as many believe, the first time someone had created artificial light.As early as…
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Tips for Better Garage Lighting

7th Oct 2014

Fluorescent light panels are a great way to diffuse light efficiently in any room. They are also very effective in increasing the appeal and attractiveness of any space where they are installed. In ou…
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Different Forms of Outdoor Landscape Lighting

3rd Oct 2014

Our decorative custom light covers are an excellent way to diffuse the harsh glare of fluorescent lighting and to increase the appeal of any room in your home or office. The nature of our business mea…
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Tips on Optimizing Lighting for Photography

30th Sep 2014

As a successful supplier of decorative fluorescent light panels, we have invested a tremendous amount of time and effort in understanding our stock-in-trade – light. Our efforts have resulted in a tro…
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How Does Light Dispersion Work?

29th Aug 2014

Have you ever wondered how light works? Being in the business of decorative lighting fixtures, we have a bit of a working knowledge of how light moves through your home and through your decorative lig…
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Fluorescent Lighting and UV Rays

31st Jul 2014

The sun is the source of all life on this blue planet we call home. Radiation from the sun, also known as sunlight, is actually a mix of electromagnetic waves that include infrared rays (IR) as well a…
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ARKYD: A Space Telescope for Everyone

31st May 2013

Octo Lights is going to space!!!! To all of our fellow Astronomy lovers ARKYD is the first publicly accessible space telescope! The brilliant people at Planetary Resources have just launched a new…
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Energy Efficiency Tax Credits in Next Year

15th Apr 2013

Energy efficiency tax credits can be claimed in next year's tax season. There is a list of qualifying energy saving product categories. In order to qualify for the tax relief, you must have installed…
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The lighting system of the future has arrived.

18th Jan 2013

Imagine this; you arrive home at the end of the day and pull into your parking lot. As you do the LED lights in your garage, on your porch and in the living room all sense that you’ve arrived and star…
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The health benefits of LED lighting

16th Jan 2013

We all know that saving energy is the buzzword of the day and, with the new LED lights that were introduced to the market in the last few years, saving money on our electric bills has certainly gotten…
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Energy efficient LED to light rural homes

30th Dec 2012

Energy efficient LED to light rural homes - In India, where nearly 400 million homes do not have any type of electricity connection and thus no lights whatsoever besides candles and lamps, the Indian…
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Everyday solutions Putting ducks in a row

28th Dec 2012

Everyday solutions Putting ducks in a row - Innovative and energy conserving lighting design  isn’t just for street lights and office buildings.  In Eden Prairie, Minnesota duck hunter and duck decoy…
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Tent City getting solar powered lighting

26th Dec 2012

Tent City getting solar powered lighting, if you love camping you know how much fun it can be to get away from it all and live in a tent for a couple of days.  Usually most people bring along battery…
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LED Lighting - A Primer to Lighting the Future

24th Dec 2012

LED Lighting- A Primer to Lighting the Future. If you’re keen on learning about LED lighting and how it is being used in many different ways and for an wide variety of situation there’s a new book on…
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First Impressions: Lowel GL-1 Power LED

23rd Nov 2012

If you’ve ever worked in the film industry or in television you know that lighting is a very important part of the filming process. Unless the scene being shot is a night scene there is always a need…
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Philips, Apple offer web-controlled LED lighting

16th Nov 2012

When they say ‘there’s an app for that’ most people weren’t talking about their lighting options. Not anymore however, because there’s a new LED light bulb from Philips that they’re calling ‘Hue’ that…
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OTC Releases Waterproof LED Work Lights

14th Nov 2012

After 20 years on the market LED lighting has been able to rapidly rise and reach almost 8% of the global lighting market.  It’s a huge market to be sure at nearly $80 Billion dollars and covers every…
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Hue LED Bulbs Are Your Own Personal Light Show

7th Nov 2012

It used to be that lighting your home was pretty simple (and pretty basic).  Go to your local department or hardware store, grab a few of their incandescent bulbs off of the shelf and bring them home.…
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Lighting retrofits available in Lake County

5th Nov 2012

The rush to retrofit outdated lighting fixtures is on all over the country and the world as energy becomes increasingly harder to produce and ever more scarce as well. From Albuquerque to Yuma and all…
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6 Things to Know About LED Bulbs

18th Sep 2012

In the past when something new was discovered or manufactured it usually took the public a bit of time to catch on to whatever the advancement was, even if it was really the next best thing since slic…
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LED lightbulb can be controlled via Bluetooth

10th Sep 2012

Around the world there is a real push by the people who run things to make the change from old-style incandescent bulbs to the new technology lights like LEDs that use less energy and create less wast…
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Incandescent vs Fluorescent

4th Sep 2012

Around the world the consumption of energy is quickly gaining on the production of energy. It’s a global problem and getting worse every year. This has forced some countries to go as far as pushing th…
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DIY Hanging Lamp

25th Jun 2012

D.I.Y. by Arounna Khounnoraj of Bookhou A DIY Hanging Lamp is one of the best ways to add a unique touch to your home. Before you get started, there are a few items you will need. Make certain you ga…
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The new Phillips LED light bulb

18th Jun 2012

There has been a lot written about the Phillips LED light bulb, to be sure, but unfortunately a lot of that information focused on the cost of the bulb rather than on the environmental impact that it…
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Modern Outdoor Lighting

23rd Feb 2012

Looking for a fascinating modern outdoor lighting system to adorn your patio, perfect lawn or any other part of your landscaped garden? Well, today’s inspiration is an outdoor lamp named Sponge and de…
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Fun Wall Mounted Lamps

22nd Feb 2012

When searching for new and interesting lighting I came across two interesting wall mounted lamps designed by Giles Godwin-Brown. The first one is Nepa Lamp, described by its creator as a ” two-dimensi…
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Playful Lighting

21st Feb 2012

The people of Estiluz have brought back playful lighting with their balloon lamps. Even though these designs were particularly envisioned for kids, no one says you can not have one. Why not take advan…
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Psychology of Color

1st Feb 2012

Color is a meaningful constant for sighted people and it's a powerful psychological tool. By using color psychology, you can send a positive or negative message, calm a crowd, or make an athlete pump…
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