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You've probably seen the Tiktok Cloud Ceiling trend by now. Who knew it would be so easy to completely transform any ordinary room into a whimsical, cloud-filled oasis? If you're looking to try out this trend yourself, there are a few key things that you need to keep in mind. First, cloud ceilings work best with an LED lighting system. This will give your cloud cover an amazing glow and make it look truly realistic. Second, make sur… Read more
Most people have never heard of Irlen Syndrome, but it is a condition that affects millions of people. Unfortunately, many teachers and special education professionals are not aware of the syndrome either. This can lead to students with Irlen Syndrome not receiving the accommodations they need in order to be successful in school. In this blog post, we will discuss what Irlen Syndrome is, how fluorescent light can exacerbate symptoms, and some… Read more
Check Out Our Most Popular Light Covers Today! At Octo Lights, we are experts in the LED light cover industry. In today’s blog post, we are going to discuss some of the best-selling LED light diffusers on Amazon. Read on to learn more, and click on any of the links below to discover the top LED light diffusers. StarlandLed 10-Pack The StarlandLed 10-Pack contains 10 aluminu… Read more
There's a lot to love about having a well-lit room. From homes to restaurants to offices, lighting is essential for any building you enter. But even more critical is having sustainable lighting that's worth your time and money. Octo Lights is here to talk about the four most important reasons to have sustainable lighting no matter where you are. So continue reading and check out our fluorescent light covers today!Cloud 1There is nothing worse tha… Read more